Is Your Datacenter Too Big To Handle? Colocation Services Can Help Your Business Keep Growing

Operating a business in the present day requires at least some form of online presence, but for some businesses, the online demand is extraordinary. If you find yourself without the space or resources necessary to keep your business's datacenter growing and running smoothly, you ought to consider the benefits of utilizing a colocation center.

Experts And Bulk Hardware Make For Stronger Systems

Sudden server problems can cost you thousands when much of your business happens online. Fortunately. colocation facilities offer you strong protection against server crashes, bugs, and even online attacks. Many facilities will allow you to back up your data several times over to ensure a clean version of the server is available if any updates turn out to be buggy. Redundant systems in the form of backup servers can also ensure that hardware failure doesn't slow your business down.

Best of all, colocation facilities typically offer round-the-clock IT service, with trained engineers on site to help you fix problems quickly. Due to the large number of clients, it's often cost-effective for these companies to have specialists on staff that any one particular company might not be able to individually afford.

Colocation centers will also usually include routine server checkups as an optional part of your package, which can help detect buggy software or failing hardware before it actually causes a problem. In many cases, this can mean the different between trying to bring servers online when you don't know why they crashed, and being told exactly what the issue is and how you can avoid server trouble in the future.

A La Carte Plans Keep Your Data Secure On Your Budget 

Whether you run a small business that just doesn't have the space for a datacenter, or you handle sensitive information that must be strongly protected, colocation services can give you precise control over your servers and your money. Businesses that want to can start small, simply renting a locked cabinet in a room with other companies' server cabinets, but any time the web demand picks up, new cabinets or even whole new rooms can be added.

On the grander scale, some facilities offer highly secure standalone modules that can host many servers, and which boast multiple barrier to entry for unauthorized people. Locks and live video surveillance are a must, but if you want to make sure your property is completely locked down, you can even have biometric scanners and private guards just for your datacenter. These rooms can contain only your business's servers, so you don't have to worry about anyone besides facility staff and your own workers getting access to the room. 

Power Doesn't Have To Be A Problem

The trouble with powering a datacenter in your own facilities is that if your clients expect perfect uptime, you have to ensure that your servers stay up when facility power doesn't. For almost every server-heavy company that struggles with providing enough alternate power sources, colocation centers have a solution that costs less and is more reliable than handling everything in-house.

While space may be an issue in an office and the cost of power supplies can be prohibitive if you want to protect your servers during an outage, colocation facilities face neither of these problems. Servers can be run on multiple redundant battery sources, which will keep them running long enough for the facility generators to start providing emergency power, ensuring your business doesn't go offline even for a moment.

Since these batteries are usually provided by the facility for free or for a low price, you won't have to worry about how to afford emergency power for every server.

Having a strong web presence is vital for almost every company in today's economy, and you can't have a strong web presence without strong servers. If your online demand is growing faster than you can keep up, it might be time to consider growing your business with the help of a colocation center. For more information, look at sites like
