Is It Time To Adopt TACACS Software?

Software for a Terminal Access Controller Access Control Server is an important part of centralizing many computing solutions on networks. You might wonder if it's time for your organization to adopt TACACS software, so this article will examine four signs this might be the right approach.

Numerous Non-GUI Systems

An operation with many non-GUI systems has to have a convenient way to talk with all of the devices. Suppose a corporation has 50 routers and 5 modems in a large building. Talking to all of those devices is no small undertaking, even if you're managing to log into each one via a terminal.

TACACS server software allows you to centralize access and control of many units. If you need to shut the entire network down at once due to a breach, for example, TACACS software would provide a way for an administrator to quickly issue the command. This makes a potentially chaotic or even impossible task rapidly executable even under stressful circumstances.

Physically Distant Machines

Similarly, an organization might elect to use TACACS to centralize machines that are physically distant from one another. This is an increasingly common problem in the age of IoT devices. If you need a way to direct numerous devices networked across a wide geographic area, TACACS will make the process radically simpler.

Suppose a company needs to control three data centers in three different parts of the country. By setting up TACACS software on each network, an administrator could handle all three systems remotely in most scenarios.


Using TACACS server software, you'll have access to more functionality than you might with similarly situated systems. SSH is a classic choice for terminal access, but it lacks high centralization and is difficult to configure to command multiple devices. TACACS integrates with Active Directory systems, and it also can still access every function available in an SSH session.

Security Requirements

Unsurprisingly, this level of control should have an appropriate and accompanying level of security. If your organization already has strong security requirements, you can expect TACACS software to fit nicely within your larger networking model. Validation is centralized with strong protocols commonly used in large corporate, governmental, and military structures.

TACACS segregates the authentication, authorization, and logging processes. This makes it harder for unauthorized parties to gain access to one part of the system and then use it to take control of others. In most scenarios, a well-monitored system should flag intrusion attempts before they can overcome all of the protocols.

For more information on TACACS software, contact a professional near you.
